Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Foreign Flags Spotted at US-funded Thai Anti-Government Protest

October 14, 2020 (Tony Cartalucci - ATN) - Anti-government protests organized by Thailand's corrupt billionaire-led opposition and funded by the US government have once again attempted to stage a "major" rally in Bangkok.

Among the protester's ranks are clearly billionaire fugitive Thaksin Shinawatra's red shirts - but also the flags of Hong Kong, Germany, and even the United States who is funding virtually every aspect of the ongoing protests.

The US government funded agitators in Hong Kong for years in an attempt to undermine stability both there and throughout wider China. Recently US-funded agitators across Asia have been organized into a regional bloc called the "Milk Tea Alliance" and reflects US State Department talking points rather than any interests related to the actual people in Asia. 

READ MORE: Pro-US "Milk Tea Alliance" Role in Thai Protests Admitted by Reuters

Germany has in recent months played an increasing role in Washington's propaganda war against both Russia and China and now is inserting itself into Thailand's internal politics by backing protesters and attacking Thailand's head of state.  

By undermining stability in Thailand and backing Western-funded opposition groups - the US and European partners like Germany hope to roll back growing Thai-Chinese relations promoted by the current Thai government. 

READ MORE: The Complete Guide: US Government Role in Thailand's "Student Protests"

The absence of Thai flags from the protester's ranks is typical of US-funded regime change operations worldwide where any genuine concern for human rights and democracy are merely smokescreens for what is in reality a campaign to attack, erase, and overwrite a targeted nation's culture, institutions, and sovereignty - including national symbols including and especially the national flag. In the wake of US-backed war in Libya led to an entirely new flag for what's left of the now broken nation.