Tuesday, January 26, 2021

US-backed Thai Mobs: Any Reason to Protest

January 26, 2021 (Brian Berletic - LD) - For a week the US-backed Thai opposition had criticized the government's COVID-19 plans and a deal made with AstraZeneca in particular. 

Now they are complaining that the Thai government did not buy AstraZeneca vaccines from India - who is producing them through the SAME deal Thailand and Siam Bioscience are in the process of implementing now.

Brian Berletic, formally known under the pen name "Tony Cartalucci" is a geopolitical researcher, writer, and video producer (YouTube here and BitChute here) based in Bangkok, Thailand. He is a regular contributor to New Eastern Outlook and more recently, 21st Century Wire. You can support his work via Patreon here.