Sunday, January 31, 2021

Why the US Will Continue to Meddle in Thailand...

January 31, 2021 (Brian Berletic - LD) - I explain why US foreign policy never changes regardless of who is in the White House - how corporate-funded think tanks actually produce US foreign policy and how Washington merely rubber-stamps it.

I also explain steps nations like Thailand can take to protect themselves from constant US interference in their internal political affairs.


Council on Foreign Relations - Revisiting U.S. Grand Strategy Toward China:

Council on Foreign Relations - Corporate Members:

Brookings Institution - Annual Report, Honor Roll (p. 43):

Atlantic Council - Honor Roll of Contributors:

US News - Not Unusual: Members of Congress Often Don’t Read Bills:

US Senator Lindsey Graham - Graham Questions Antony Blinken at Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing:

Brian Berletic, formally known under the pen name "Tony Cartalucci" is a geopolitical researcher, writer, and video producer (YouTube here and BitChute here) based in Bangkok, Thailand. He is a regular contributor to New Eastern Outlook and more recently, 21st Century Wire. You can support his work via Patreon here.